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Three Common Commercial Plumbing Problems To Watch For

Commercial facilities face some unique challenges with their plumbing systems due to the size and complexity of the systems. Although many of the hazards that commercial plumbing systems face are similar in form to those in residential systems, they are different in scale. Here's a look at some of the most common commercial plumbing issues to watch for in your building.

Drain Clogs

Whether it's the sink or the toilet, drain clogs can plague most any commercial facility. One of the most common clogs that commercial buildings face is in the kitchen drains. You can minimize this risk by ensuring that your kitchen staff doesn't pour anything greasy down the drains. Consider adding a garbage disposal as well to help limit the solids that go down the drain. Other commercial plumbing supplies, such as an industrial sized drain snake, would be good to keep on hand.

Another common source of drain clogs in commercial facilities is toilet clogs. The restrooms in commercial facilities often see a lot of traffic, which puts a lot of demand on the pipes. In most cases, you can clear drain clogs with a plunger, but sometimes, it requires more attention. For example, you may need to have a plumber clear the drain with a snake or drain auger.  

Fixture Leaks

As with any components that see a lot of use, fixtures and faucets in commercial buildings are prone to leaks. The wear and tear of frequently turning the faucets on and off can lead to leaks around the seals and the washers. It's important that you address these problems right away, because faucet leaks can lead to water waste. Additionally, failing to address leaky faucets can lead to water damage and mold growth. In commercial buildings, this can leave you vulnerable to liability suits if anyone develops health problems from mold exposure.

Sewer Odor

If the U-trap under your floors dries out, you may find that your restrooms become overwhelmed with a sewer smell. The best way to avoid this problem is by treating your floor drains with a commercial odor block product a few times a year. Your commercial plumber can inspect your drain system, check the U-trap and help you determine how often to treat the drains.

As you can see, commercial properties face many of the same problems as residential homes, but on a different scale. Work with a commercial plumber to help you keep your building's plumbing system working at its best. Commercial plumbers have the experience and expertise to deal with plumbing systems of the size and scope of those in commercial buildings.
